
Many cancers possess an elevated activity of the protein kinases PKB/Akt and S6K, which is believed to drive the proliferation, growth and survival of these cells. Pharmaceutical companies are devoting a considerable effort to develop drugs that woul …more
There was much excitement in 2001 when elegant clinical investigations undertaken by Richard Lifton's research group at the Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven reported that the WNK1 and WNK4 protein kinases, were mutated in patients that s …more
David Komander, a former PhD student with Dario Alessi and Daan van Aalten, has been awarded the Karl-Lohmann Prize of the Gesellschaft fuer Biochemie und Molekularbiologie (GBM, German Association for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology). This bi-ann …more
The European Molecular Biology Organisation announced on October 6th that they have awarded Dario The EMBO Gold Medal for 2005 for his 'pioneering research on enzymes called kinases and their role in inherited disease which has provided exciting new  …more
On September 12-14 the Unit hosted an international meeting on ‘cell signalling and disease' between the United Kingdom and Research Institutes in Texas. The meeting was organised and funded by the Department of Trade and Industry in London who …more
A gala day organised by Camperdown Lodge raised £1700 for Diabetes Research, and the cheque was presented to Dario Alessi and Kei Sakamoto by members of the Lodge on 29 August.

This is the second year that Camperdown Lodge has raised money …more
As part of the five year review of its research, the Unit provide the UK Medical Research Council with information about the careers of the postdoctoral researchers and research students that it has trained. This analysis has been carried out recentl …more
Ten Programme Leaders based in the major life science centres of Dundee, Edinburgh and Glasgow, and including Nick Morrice, Head of Proteomics in the MRC Protein Phosphorylation Unit, have been awarded the UK's Interdisciplinary Research Collaboratio …more
Philip Cohen, the MRC Unit's Director, recently had two surprise celebrations for his 60th Birthday in July, one in Colorado, USA and the other in Dundee.

The Colorado celebrations occurred when Philip was attended the FASEB Meeting on Pro …more
One of the Unit's papers has just been named by the Biochemical Journal as their most highly cited paper published in 2003 with 191 citations as of 14 July 2005. The paper entitled 'The specificities of protein kinase inhibitors: an update'  …more