Join Us | Postdoctoral Research Fellow: Kinase function in inflammatory bowel disease


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Grade 7 (£32,817 - £40,322)

The discovery that hyper-activating mutations in a protein kinase termed LRRK2 causes Parkinson’s, and also increase the risk of Crohn’s disease, has led to increased focus on investigating the gut-brain axis and how inflammation contributes to the cross-talk. We now have an exciting opportunity to investigate how mutations on LRRK2 influences intestinal immunity and the development of inflammatory bowel disease. The postdoctoral position will be jointly supervised by Prof. Dario Alessi ( and Dr. Mahima Swamy (

We are seeking a creative and motivated individual to investigate the effects of mutations in the LRRK2 protein kinase on the pathogenesis of Crohn’s disease. We are interested in understanding how LRRK2 modulates immune responses in the gut, particularly within the intestinal epithelium. This study will build on previous work undertaken in the Alessi lab (PMID: 30647193, 29212815, 29127256, 29127255, 29125462, 29743203, 31663853), and apply it to the understanding of inflammatory bowel diseases. This includes access to multiple animal models, antibodies, mass-spec based screening, all developed in-house. It is expected that the candidate will be outgoing and creative in utilising the resources and expertise available to pursue the research objectives. The candidate will benefit from the cutting-edge managed facilities in cell biology, in vivo models, flow cytometry, imaging and proteomics available within the School of Life Sciences.

The findings of these studies will have clear implications not only for inflammatory bowel diseases, but also infectious diseases of the gut, and possibly Parkinson’s.

This position is available for 3 years in the first instance, starting in January 2021. Informal enquiries may be directed to

Candidate Requirements:

  • PhD (or final stages of PhD) in a relevant biological subject with research experience in immunology and in vivo models.
  • Experience or strong interest in understanding signal transduction pathways is desirable
  • Strong academic track record with at least one good quality first author publication or manuscript under review.
  • Ability to work independently and be pro-active, and capable of interacting well within a group.
  • Excellent communication skills and proficiency in English.

Appointment as a Postdoctoral Research Assistant on the Grade 7 salary scale is dependent upon you having been awarded a PhD. An appointment may be considered if you are shortly expected to be awarded a PhD. The initial appointment would be made as a Research Assistant on the Training Grade 7 salary scale (Spinal Point 25 - 28 £29,176 - £31,866).

MRC Protein Phosphorylation and Ubiquitylation Unit (PPU):

This project will be performed in the MRC Protein Phosphorylation and Ubiquitylation Unit (MRC-PPU), ( within the School of Life Sciences ( at the University of Dundee. The MRC-PPU is in a beautiful location overlooking the estuary of the River Tay and provides a multinational and dynamic work environment. The School of Life Sciences is one of the premier Life Sciences research centres in the world, with outstanding laboratory and technology facilities.

The University of Dundee is committed to the highest standards of care and welfare in work with animals. It endorses the ARRIVE guidelines on the reporting of in vivo experiments and is a signatory to the Concordat on Openness in Animal Research.

To apply on-line please visit: If you are unable to apply on-line please contact Human Resources on (01382) 386209 (answering machine) for an application pack. Please quote reference number
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