A bumper year in PPU with a record number of MRC PPU PhD students graduating

In MRC PPU we are extremely proud that in 2019, a total of 13 PhD students and 1 MSc student defended their theses, and everyone passed with flying colours! As part of the defence, each student gave a 45-minute talk describing their PhD research, to packed lecture rooms. The standard of talks from our students was extremely high, and the talks described major advances in several areas of biology, some of which have spawned new areas of investigation.

This years’ graduating students are:

Maithili Shroff (Rouse lab)

Luke Hutchinson (Sapkota lab)

Kristin Balk (Muqit lab)

Katie Mulholland (Muqit lab)

Theresita Joseph (Alessi lab and Muqit Lab) – MSc by Research

Luke Fulcher (Sapkota lab)

Andrew Waddell (Muqit lab)

Michael Morgan (Rouse lab)

Andrew Shaw (Miratul lab)

Sven Lange (Cohen lab)

Hannah Tovell (Alessi lab)

Maria Zachari (Ganley lab)

Theresa Tachie-Menson (Sapkota lab)

Lambert Montava Garriga (Ganley lab)

Many congratulations to all of these students! We hope they’ll stay in touch to keep us posted on the exciting next steps in their careers.