Lab Member | Lina Herhaus

PhD Student

Lina Herhaus Portrait
Past Lab Member

Current Position: Post-doc at 1BC2, Frankfurt, Germany

Pulications Generated Whilst in Lab:

Herhaus, L., Al-Salihi, M. A., Dingwell, K. S., Cummins, T. D., Wasmus, L., Vogt, J., Ewan, R., Bruce, D., Macartney, T., Weidlich, S., Smith, J. C. and Sapkota, G. P. (2014). USP15 targets ALK3/BMPR1A for deubiquitylation to enhance bone morphogenetic protein signalling. Open Biol 4, pp. 140065

Herhaus, L. and Sapkota, G. P. (2014). The emerging roles of deubiquitylating enzymes (DUBs) in the TGFbeta and BMP pathways. Cell Signal 26, pp. 2186-2192

Vogt, J., Dingwell, K. S., Herhaus, L., Gourlay, R., Macartney, T., Campbell, D., Smith, J. C. and Sapkota, G. P. (2014). Protein associated with SMAD1 (PAWS1/FAM83G) is a substrate for type I bone morphogenetic protein receptors and modulates bone morphogenetic protein signalling. Open Biol 4, pp. 130210

Herhaus, L., Al-Salihi, M., Macartney, T., Weidlich, S. and Sapkota, G. P. (2013). OTUB1 enhances TGFbeta signalling by inhibiting the ubiquitylation and degradation of active SMAD2/3. Nat Commun 4, pp. 2519

Al-Salihi, M. A., Herhaus, L., Macartney, T. and Sapkota, G. P. (2012). USP11 augments TGFbeta signalling by deubiquitylating ALK5. Open Biology 2, pp. 120063

Al-Salihi, M. A., Herhaus, L. and Sapkota, G. P. (2012). Regulation of the transforming growth factor beta pathway by reversible ubiquitylation. Open Biology 2, pp. 120082

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