Unit Manager

I completed my PhD studying the biophysics of the prion protein and how disruption in the metallochemistry of the normal prion may lead to the development of the protein resistant form associated with disease. Since then, I have spent over a decade focusing primarily on neurodegeneration, especially Parkinson’s disease. More recently, I have also become interested in the regulation of embryogenesis by the NOTCH1 protein.
My primary role now is in the management of the Units operations. I am also the General manager for our world-renowned Division of Signal Transduction Therapy (DSTT) and of our MRC Reagents and Services operation which seeks to share the tools we have developed through our research with the rest of the academic community on a cost recovery basis. We also have developed relationships with many pharmaceutical and commercial partners.
I have responsibility for all our support staff but also a small team of researchers who’s focus is on providing scientific support to projects ongoing in the Unit. My team also work on multiple industry projects and technology development.