
The Unit was delighted to offer Joy (Toromo) Stephen a job as she arrived in Dundee to escape the war in Ukraine, and we’re now celebrating her successful application to study medicine at the University of Dundee.


Oliwia Mruk, now a PhD student in the Madsen Lab (MRC PPU), has received a Highly Commended Award in the Life Science category of the Global Undergraduate Awards’ 2024 Programme for her honours project “Single-cell analyses of dynamic signal encoding within the PI3K signalling network”.

Ralitsa Madsen Portrait

We are delighted to announce that a team of UK-based researchers has secured £623,000 in new funding from the Medical Research Council to try to find new ways to tackle CLOVES.

The government’s Science and Technology Secretary, Peter Kyle, has announced a further five-year funding boost from the Medical Research Council (MRC) to continue our vital work. …more

Rachel O’Dea has been awarded a highly competitive and prestigious postdoctoral fellowship that will allow her to join the laboratory of Professor Yogesh Kulathu at the MRC PPU. Her application was successfully evaluated by the European Commission during the most recent Horizon Europe Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action (MSCA) Postdoctoral Fellowship call.

Newly published research from the Swamy lab reveals how intestinal immune cells combat Salmonella infection, using specialized killer molecules called Granzymes. …more

Many thanks to visiting student Aoife McDarby for sharing why she’s undertaking a summer research project in the MRC PPU and how she’s including the lived experience perspective in her research.


In a new discovery, scientists from the Sapkota lab, in collaboration with a team of clinicians led by Dr. Amaia Lasa-Aranzasti at Vall d'Hebron University Hospital in Barcelona, have uncovered how a novel a genetic mutation is responsible for causing a rare skin disorder known as palmoplantar keratoderma (PPK).
