
We are delighted to announce that the outcome of our recent quinquennial review has been very successful and the Medical Research Council (MRC) has awarded our Unit approximately £24million core funding over the next five years to enable its research …more
As part of MRC's week of Centenary Celebrations, the MRC-PPU is collaborating with the Dundee Contemporary Arts (DCA)on their screening of the 'I AM BREATHING' documentary. The film is a personal account of the last months in the life of Neil Platt w …more
To launch the Medical Research Council (MRC) centenary celebrations, its chief executive Sir John Savill, gave an inspirational presentation on the history and past achievements of this fabulous organisation that has thus far supported the work that  …more
Gopal Sapkota has published a single-author research paper in Open BIology that puts a question mark on the notion that transforming growth factor beta (TGFÃ_Â_) activates TGFÃ_Â_ Activated Kinase 1 (TAK1).

The activation of p …more
The MRC-PPU hosted a visit by Mr Mike Nithavrianakis, British Deputy High Commissioner in Chennai. After an introduction from Miratul Muqit about the Unit, the Deputy High Commissioner met Sourav Banerjee, a PhD student in Dario Alessi's  …more
Several MRC-PPU researchers pictured before the race, took part in the the 10 km Monikie Run in aid of Diabetes research.

Results from right to left were:

-Paola de los Heros (Dario Alessi lab) Time: 59:29 min

-France …more
Alex Varshavsky from the California Institute of Technology, USA delivered the 5th SCILLS Lecture today May 1 2013. He presented work on recent discoveries about the ubiquitin system and the N-end rule pathway.

The 'SCILLS Lec …more
The majority of human cancers harbour mutations promoting activation of the Akt protein kinase. Because of this there are over 200 clinical trials listed on the NIH clinical trials website that have been i …more
Cullin-RING ligases (CRLs) are multi-subunit ubiquitin E3 enzymes, which ligate the small modifier ubiquitin to other cellular proteins. CRLs are modular complexes containing a core catalytic unit, which is combined with variable substrate-specific a …more
The MRC Protein Phosphorylation Unit and the SCottish Institute of ceLL Signalling (SCILLS) have merged into the MRC Protein Phosphorylation and Ubiquitylation Unit.

The new Unit will still retain the MRC-PPU brand name. Its scientists wil …more