Edinburgh Science and Ferryport Summer Festivals

At this year's Edinburgh Science festival, MRC PPU students Laura Pearce, Laura Brown, Hilary Smith, Eris Duro and Hosea Handoyo ran an activity showing how a blood cancer can be cured by blocking the 'Bcr-Abl' kinase with the medicine Gleevec. The model attracted attention from many children and parents, who posed challenging questions about proteins, kinases, cell signalling, and drug discovery. Thanks to Professor Carol MacKintosh for working with her husband Bob and FifeX, a company in her home village of Tayport, to make the exhibit.

Tayport has its own summer festival, and Carol felt that science should join the usual mix of music, arts and dance this year. The resulting ‘Made of Molecules' tent was a great success, led by Dr Linda Morris of the College of Life Sciences on the day, with enthusiastic support from others in the college, including postdocs Richard Ward and Sapan Gandhi, and undergraduate student Erman Sozudogrui who took the photo. Pictured are Linda, Angie Nicoll (SCILLs administrator), with Dr Will Whitfield supervising a DNA extraction experiment.