EMBO Papers Galore!

August 2001 was a good month for Unit scientists, with no less than four papers co-authored by Unit scientists being published in the prestigious EMBO Journal. The papers are (* indicates Unit scientists):

Wang, X., Paulin, F.E.M., Campbell, L.E., Gomez, E., O'Brien, K., Morrice*, N. and Proud, C.G. EMBO J. 2001, 20, 4349-59.

Knebel*, A., Morrice*, N. and Cohen*, P. EMBO J. 2001, 20, 4360-4369.

Biondi*, R.M., Kieloch*, A., Currie, R.A., Deak*, M. and Alessi*, D.R.

EMBO J. 2001, 20, 4380-4390.

Wang, X., Li, W., Williams*, M., Terada, N., Alessi*. D.R. and Proud, C.G.

EMBO J. 2001, 20, 4370-9.