Ex-MRC Unit PhD student, Elton Zeqiraj, awarded UK's most prestigious postdoctoral fellowship

Elton Zeqiraj, who undertook his PhD in the MRC Unit jointly supervised by Dario Alessi and Daan van Aalten, has been awarded a Sir Henry Wellcome postdoctoral fellowship, which is one of the UK's most prestigious postdoctoral fellowships. The aim of this fellowship is to provide a unique opportunity for the most promising newly qualified postdoctoral researchers to make an early start in developing their independent research careers, working in the best laboratories in the UK and overseas.

During his PhD Elton determined the structure of the heterotrimeric LKB1-STRAD-MO25 complex and worked out the mechanism by which LKB1 was activated by interacting with the STRAD pseudokinase. Elton is now working in the laboratory of Frank Sicheri at the University of Toronto. The award will provide Elton with a sum of £250,000 to pay his salary and research expenses for a period of 4 years. The ambitious project Elton proposes to undertake will involve major collaboration with MRC Unit PI Kei Sakamoto who acts as the UK sponsor together with Frank Sicheri for Elton's fellowship.