Local fundraising boosts diabetes research within Unit

Local fundraising boosts diabetes research within Unit
Local fundraising boosts diabetes research within Unit

Diabetes research run by Kei Sakamoto's group in the Unit has been boosted by the donation of £4,000 from the Dundee and District Diabetes UK Volunteer Group. The group raised money through a number of fundraising activities; hosting a bingo night, organising raffles and as a result of donations. Kei receives the donation during Dundee Diabetes UK's monthly meeting at Ninewells Hospital on Tuesday, 10th May.

Kei expressed his gratitude to the group, saying, 'I would like to thank all the Dundee Diabetes UK support team members and their family and friends who have raised such a tremendous amount of funds to support my research team in the MRC PPU. It is a huge help for my group to receive such consistently strong support from the people of Dundee and the surrounding area. We will use these funds to carry out important research projects.'

Kei's team currently studies the molecular signalling and physiological processes by which nutrients, hormones, and exercise control blood sugar levels.