Prestigous Fellowships

In June 2004, Mercedes Pozuelo Rubio, postdoctoral researcher with Carol MacKintosh, was awarded a prestigious five year ‘Ramon y Cajal' Fellowship from the Spanish government. Mercedes plans to use her award to establish a research programme in the CSIC (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas) laboratory in the Centro Andaluz de Biologia del Desarrollo in Seville. ‘Ramon y Cajal' awards are a new sort of ‘tenure track' position, awarded by competition, that have been created to provide better job prospects for the best Spanish researchers and promote the dynamism of research in Spain.

Greg Moorhead, former postdoc in both Sir Philip Cohen and Carol MacKintosh's groups (1993-1998), and now associate professor in the University of Calgary, has been awarded a Killam Resident Fellowship. This award recognizes merit in research, and provides Greg with an opportunity to focus on his personal research for a year, free of teaching and administrative duties.