"Summer migrants" Visit the Unit

Several scientists from overseas are spending the summer of 2001 working in the Unit. Susana Alemany and Raquel Hernando have joined us from Madrid for nine weeks, Dorthe Villadsen has come from Copenhagen and is spending 12 weeks here and Esther DelfÃÂ_ Capella is here from Barcelona for 10 weeks. Susana Alemany is rediscovering Dundee; she spent two years here as a postdoc with Philip Cohen from 1983 to 1985.

Several of the Programme Leaders in the Unit also have summer students working with them, including Christopher Lipina (with Dario Alessi), Greg Findlay (with Tricia Cohen) and Steven Liness (with Calum Sutherland). We wish them all a pleasant and productive stay in the Unit.