Lab Member | Aniketh Bishnu

Postdoctoral Researcher

Aniketh Bishnu
Current Lab Member
- Now )

I joined the lab in February 2022 as a Postdoctoral Research Assistant. My project aims to determine the consequence of pharmacological AMPK activation on mitophagy and autophagy in different tissues in normal and diseased condition.

Before joining the lab, I completed my master’s degree from IIT Roorkee, India in biotechnology. Following which I received my PhD from ACTREC, TMC, India under the supervision of Dr. Pritha Ray. During my PhD, I investigated how the dynamic modulation in key kinase pathways regulates macroautophagy and metabolism to foster chemoresistance. As a part of the research, I developed a novel luciferase-based autophagy sensor (mtFL-p62) which longitudinally portrayed the therapy-induced autophagy dynamics by non-invasive bioluminescence imaging. Further I have developed BRET based protein-protein interaction sensor to dynamically monitor these signalling axes in response to chemotherapeutic stress

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