Lab Member | Florian Weiland

Postdoctoral Researcher

Florian Weiland Portrait
Past Lab Member

My background is an engineering degree in "Brewing and beverage technology" furthered by a PhD in Proteomics, both from the Technical University of Munich. From 2010-2017, I was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Adelaide. There my main focus was the identification and validation of novel diagnostic markers of early stage ovarian cancer and the molecular characterization of the ovarian cancer biomarker CA125 using mass spectrometric approaches. Additional projects I was involved in were the first-time application of MALDI mass spectrometry profiling for biological quality control in the South Australian beverage industry and a cross-disciplinary project combining Proteomics and Geo-Microbiology for the development of an ultra-sensitive biodetector for gold deposits. My main interest is the combination of genetic and proteomic approaches, which lead me to join John¹s lab in March 2017 where I¹m working now on the role of kinases in DNA damage repair.

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