
Congratulations to Jenny van der Wijst, who is currently working as an EMBO Fellow in Dario Alessi's lab, studying the regulation and function of the unusual TRPM6 and TRPM7 ion channel-protein kinases. Jenny has just been awarded a prize for the …more
Mutations in PINK1 were discovered in 2004 in patients suffering from familial Parkinson's disease. PINK1 is an unusual protein kinase containing a mitochondrial targeting domain and 3 insertions within its kinase domain. Despite intensive research l …more
Members of the Dundee and District Diabetes UK Volunteers Group visited the MRC Protein Phosphosrylation Unit (PPU) at Dundee on November 8th. The Volunteer Group has raised £20,000 over the past few years and generously donated it to Kei Sakamoto's  …more
Alexander von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff in Kei Sakamoto's lab was awarded joint first prize at the poster competition for Ph.D. students based in the College of Life Sciences (CLS) at the University of Dundee who are about to start the third year o …more
Serge Ducommun, a visiting Master's student in the Department of Biotechnology at the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland has been awarded a prize for carrying out the best resea …more
Congratulations to Shuai Chen, from Carol MacKintosh's group, who will soon be taking up a PI position at the Model Animal Research Center (MARC), Medical School of Nanjing University, one of the to …more
Kris Clark, a postdoc in Philip Cohen's lab has recently discovered a key role for the IÃ_ºB kinase (IKK)-related protein kinases (IKKÃ_µ and TBK1) in suppressing the activities of the canonical IKKs (IKKÃ_± and IKKÃ_Â_) when the innate immune sys …more
On September 6 2011, MRC-PPU Director, Philip Cohen, gave the opening keynote lecture of the Spanish Society for Biochemistry & Molecular Biology (SEBBM), which was sponsored by The Fundacion Ramon Areces Foundation, which was held in Barcelona. Phil …more
The September 14th 2011 issue of Lab Times has published citation data for the period 1998-2009 in the field of "Protein Research". MRC-PPU Programme Leaders Philip Cohen and Dario Alessi were named as the 8th and 13th most cited European scientists …more
Cameron Spencer, a student at the High School of Dundee, spent 4 weeks between his 5th and 6th years, gaining laboratory experience in the College of Life Sciences Media Kitchen, Division of Signal Transduction Therapy (DSTT) and MRC Protein Phosphor …more