Lab Member | Christa Baker

PhD Rotation Student

Christa Baker Portrait
Past Lab Member

I joined Dr Muqit’s laboratory in January 2020, as my first rotation project for my PhD with the Welcome Trust 4-Year PhD Programme. My project is largely focused on testing a novel antibodies for isolating phospho-ubiquitin. These could could help identify specific proteins on the outer mitochondrial membrane that may mediate PINK1/Parkin mediated mitophagy.

During my undergraduate degree I investigated protein MSH4’s role in meiotic recombination in yeast (Hunter Laboratory, University of California, Davis) and studied Tri-methylamine-oxide as a biomarker for metabolic disease (Slupsky Laboratory, University of California, Davis). I next pursued an internship exploring IL-22 signalling in Intraepithelial lymphocytes (Dr Swamy Laboratory, Dundee). Preceding my master’s degree, I researched the use of D-serine in reducing intestinal infection in a mouse model infected with C. rodentium (Gerasimidis Laboratory, Glasgow). I then completed a MRes in Biomedical Science at the University of Glasgow, I investigated the ability of physiological protein, Klotho, to stimulate energetic shifting from oxidative phosphorylation to glycolysis in mouse aortic smooth muscle cells in a PINK1 KO mouse model (Mercer Laboratory)
